Yuyosoft Innovations Inc.
Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Who we are

This Terms of Use & Privacy Policy covers websites, apps and games published by Yuyosoft Innovations Inc. Our website address is: https://yuyosoft.com.

No responsibility for loss or damage

By using our websites, apps, games or services, whether standalone or in connection with our servers, you are doing so subject to this Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. Yuyosoft Innovations Inc. accepts no responsibility for direct or indirect loss or damage as a result of your using our websites, apps and games, and you do so at your own risk.

Service interruptions

The services we provide, e.g. e-mail newsletters or servers for client-server apps and games, may have a schedule of delivery, but in the uncommon event of unforeseen network or technical issues, we may be unable to meet the schedule, and therefore do not guarantee any particular level of service. In such cases we will attempt to restore regular service as soon as possible.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Apps and games

None of our websites, apps or games collects or stores personal data and information of any kind, with the exception of a valid e-mail address in the case of apps or games that require registration to identify you as a user in a multi-user environment, or order information for e-commerce.

Contact forms

In our websites, apps and games, we may sometimes provide forms for you to use in contacting us for support. The data that you yourself input into these forms is stored on our servers, so that we can reply to you and provide you with the support that you require.


If you have an account and you log in to our websites or apps, we may use temporary cookies, according to your preferences, to save your login information, game progress, screen display choices, etc. In particular, if you edit or publish any content on our website, cookies may be saved in your browser to identify you as the editor or author. This cookie includes no personal data such as address or phone number–it only identifies the user account and ID of your article.

Embedded content from other websites

Content on our websites may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy of those websites, and your use of any account you may have with those websites.


On our website, analytics may be run on anonymous usage data for the purpose of marketing statistics, debugging and optimization.

No sharing of data

We do not sell, rent or trade your personal data with any third party.

How long we retain your data

User content and comments on our websites and apps, once published, are retained indefinitely.
For users that register on our websites and apps, we also store personal information you provide during registration and in updates of your user profile. You can see, edit (where available), or delete your personal information at any time (except you cannot change your username or e-mail if they identify you as a unique user in a multi-user space).

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account on our websites or mobile apps, you can also request that we erase the personal data we hold about you. This will result in the closing of your account, and does not include any data we are obliged by law to keep for accounting, legal, or security purposes.

All rights reserved

All content in our websites and apps are protected by copyright and other rights. You may view the content within our websites and apps, but ownership and rights to use these elsewhere are not transferred to you.

Contact information

All enquiries regarding this Terms of Use & Privacy Policy should be directed to Yuyosoft Innovations Inc., N400-5811 Cooney Road, Richmond BC, Canada V6X 3M1 or info@yuyosoft.com